Friday, December 12, 2008

Careful Crescendo 12/12/08

First you leap, then you grow wings.

William Sloane Coffin

First there was the primitive man peering out from his cave and contemplating a bright light in the sky. Soon his buddies began to worship it. It seemed to have some control over life. Then they gave it a name and as paganism arose it took on the persona of a goddess. Folks knew it was, because they could see a face in it. But it was a fickle goddess, sometimes she was there, sometimes she wasn't and she came and went gradually.

Then came the scientists, the astronomers with their telescopes trying to get a closer look at the goddess. With them it wasn't a goddess at all, but a planet. And since they could tell that it was moving around the earth. the earth must be the center of everything. That made some sort of biblical sense, so people settled for that for a while. Until some uppity scientists tried to suggest that the earth was not the center of it all. in fact it was just another planet like the one they were contemplating. And if that was so then what was the relationship, since the other one hung around all the time, or most of the time? And why did it come in gradually changing shapes? Someone proposed the absolutely prepostorous idea that it wasn't the planet itself that changed but it was the shadow of the earth on it. Now things were getting very confusing.

Then folks thought that if it was a planet like ours then maybe there was life up there. The only way to find out was to go there, but how could anyone do that?

Then Jules Verne wrote a book about going there which depicted the travelers sitting aloft in a Victorian living room. Verne was a science fiction writer. Nobody was going to take it seriously.

But then with the improvement of air flight a few deluded souls did start to take it seriously and tried to think of ways to get there.

Rocket science was born and men tried with some success but mostly failure to put something up there into the vast area which, for want of a better name, we call "space."

Then there was sputnik.

Then there was Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space.

Then there was John Glenn, the first man in orbit.

Then there was the Apollo Program and trips around to the goddess' backside.

Then there was Neil Armstrong's "One small step."

I think the primitive man, peering out of his cave at the bright light in the sky, is pleased and proud that he took a leap.

DB - The Vagabond


Linda's World said...

Can you even inagine what they'd think if they could come into the 21st Century and see that man has actually been there? They would be amazed. Linda in Washington

Big Mark 243 said...

And all of this came from simple, primal wondering of 'why' ...

betty said...

I think so too! and amazing how we don't even know all that is out there in our solar system and beyond; it is just mind boggling to me. I imagine sometimes when God made the earth and all creation his hands putting the stars and planets exactly where he wanted them

good entry DB

enjoy your day


Anonymous said...

Funny sometimes how a simple question asked brings about a complex yet equally simple answer.

Beth said...

Those uppity scientists. Sod them all.


Breezy said...

I am sure glad there are LEAPERS out there. I am more of a follower, but I think we need both to make things work. It is fascinating to read about people that had great ideas and how many times they failed but kept trying until it was a success. What strength and faith they have.