Well it's Autumn is it? It's been a hell of a Summer. Too much bad weather worldwide. Too much bad politics worldwide. Too much bad religion worldwide. Too many kidnappings, too many deaths, too many killings, too many guns in the hands of too many crackpots.
Oh, come gentleness, compassion and peace. Come to us, a bruised and terrified world and teach us to be good to each other. Let the winds of Autumn bring gratitude and respect.
Why do our public figures verbally assassinate each other with smiles on their faces? Why are there more bullies in the playground than ever before? Why are there more poor people struggling against regressive measures than ever before? Why are some churches preaching exclusivity and why are there those who practice brutality and cruelty against the innocent? Why are some communities being destroyed by tornadoes, industry and gangs? Why are passionate men and women destroying themselves in order to destroy other people? Why is hatred just and love a joke? What has sown insanity into the hearts and minds of the people? Why is self-righteous ignorance the ethic of the times?
Oh, please come Autumn winds, with the spirit of gratitude, compassion, reason, joy and true moral strength.
Autumn is the only season with two names. I don't know why it is called The Fall. I prefer to call it The Gathering. It is harvest time in the northern hemisphere, the bringing in of crops, the going back to school, the growing up, the preparing for Winter.
I have memories of New England farmers who all seem to harvest at the same time and inches before the big freeze comes. I have memories of people happily preparing for Chanukah celebrations in New York City. I have memories of Thanksgivings where people I haven't seen for a while and some strangers gather to celebrate that life is still going on in spite of everything. I have memories of the local Halloween where parents are not loath to bring their kids into the tobacco and lottery shop because Karen, the proprietor, dresses up in a costume and prepares bundles of good things for them. I have memories of hiking in the White Mountains among the glorious scenes while down below on the highway buses pass with seniors from some place else admiring the magnificent colors. I have memories of the evergreens stacked up against the wall of the hardware store hoping to be bought to become brightly decorated Christmas trees.
The gathering of crops, the gathering of families, the gathering of life lessons and the gathering of hope. Oh, come Autumn and bring no more tears except tears ofjoy.
DB - Vagabond Journeys
Never Give Up
Reading the first bit of this entry makes me feel like running back into a dark room and hiding in the corner. That is what happens when one reads about or listens to the news. Nothing but chronic insanity and the downward spiral of the human spirit. However the second part of this entry is how I prefer to think about this new season of autumn. A time for coming together to harvest, to celebrate, to enjoy customs and to respect each other. What a world it is that we live in. Tears of anguish or tears of joy. I will take the latter.
I've never thought of calling autumn "The Gathering" but I think it's a wonderful idea. The beauty, purity, and mellowness of this extraordinary season helps to expunge - at least for awhile - all the ugliness and chaos of this old world.
I prefer spring to autumn, mostly because it is the time of new growth versus dormancy.
Can't wait for the bountiful harvest and pumpkin pie - my favourite!
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