doubt of art - where does it go - like friends who ditch you, cupid who shoots and runs, the child's letter saying, you can't hang out with us anymore, the evening before never is the evening next, when all things go right is the first moment fall from grace becomes more than likely - moment of beatitude and then the hand lets the veil fall and you are lost in the fog again, you stumble on towards nowhere, for no good reason - O'Neill adapted
Am here....
Drifting...Looking for the brass ring but the pony is out to lunch
Hope your January is playing out the role assigned
More later DC
here midst the welter,
locke, hobbs, shooting , aborting, thinking illogically
doubt of art - where does it go - like friends who ditch you, cupid
who shoots and runs, the child's letter saying, you can't hang out
with us anymore, the evening before never is the evening next, when
all things go right is the first moment fall from grace becomes more
than likely - moment of beatitude and then the hand lets the veil fall
and you are
lost in the fog again, you stumble on towards nowhere, for no good
reason - O'Neill adapted
report card week, plus site visit for $40000 grant- just getting bookkeeping and housekeeping done for that.
I'm lurking around but not commenting much.
Just started lurking, wife introduced me to your blog, busy with school and finding a home, but I enjoy your blog immensely :)
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