Monday, June 22, 2009

Zenith Zeal 6/22/09

A genius is one who sees what is not yet and causes it to come to be.

Peter Zarlenga
Question: What do the space shuttle, the 747, a blimp, a hot air balloon, a mountain climber, a tight rope walker, a pole vaulter and a good thinker have in common?

Answer: They all overcome gravity.


We all daydream. A genius is one who takes his daydreams seriously. All the great and important things that have come to be have all started with thought. Not just any kind of thought, but the thought that reaches out beyond the established limits of what we suppose reality is made of. Not the downbeat thinking Loretta Young spoke of in my last entry. We dream of things that are not possible. We laugh at the absurd ideas that crop up in the free floating mind. And if, by chance, we perceive that there may be a remote possibility that what we dream of may someday become a reality, we turn the whole project over to the mysterious "They." "Someday they may figure out how to do so-and-so." Meanwhile the genius isn't content with waiting for "They," he becomes the "They" in question.

We are all capable of genius on one level or another. The "down beat" thinking that most of us engage in sometimes is one of the worst culprits in the world. It's the voice that says things can't be done, are impossible, against the laws of nature and morally wrong. "If God had meant us to fly he would have given us wings."

I'm an artist, and I know that an artist is also one who takes his daydreams seriously. Sometimes, when I view or hear the work of another artist I'm fascinated to think at what point the artist was in his life when the idea first occurred to him to try to create such a thing. I am equally fascinated by where my own ides come from.

I wonder the same about the great inventions of the world; some are magnificent, like the space shuttle, some are mundane, like the can opener, And yet they are all fingers pointing to the sign that reads "Genius At Work."

DB - Vagabond Journeys
Do a little summer dance today. Just a couple of steps will do.


This is not a contest.

A young man out west just took home 88 million dollars from the lottery.

Whether you play the lottery or not, if you suddenly at 88 million dollars what are the first three things you would do with it?


Wes said...


Dreams are a powerful thing, they keep my heart beating. My minds thoughts of joy and inspiration within. Children dream with each breath of life. Even if it from one thing to another, they dream.

Most adults turn that light off. But, flicker the switch up and down like a child does.

I admit I still dream and will do so until mt death. I question life sometimes, how man can settle for ease. As if life was easy enough to breath alone, in it's beautiful madness.

I know I'm a good man, but aspire to be a great man!

You mentioned Giant inventions and smaller ones, they are mostly wonderful.

Most of my notebook Ideas, came from experience. Solutions came with common sense and frustration. By simply asking the question: How could this be better?

That goes for one's own existence, in this amazing world. I dare everyone to dream. But struggle to trust the results from my own daydream actions. Another good question on this matter: What do I have to lose, besides my fear?

Another great read as usual.

I will now answer your question.

1. Take my family to get all health issues corrected.

2. Buy a simple home for me and my family. One with a beautiful yard to grow with. Like Steinbeck stated in "Of Mice and Men".
"An' live on the fatta lan'."

3. Use my Ideas to start a Universal Charity Organization. One that helps all people with all kinds of problems.

These three things alone could help me be the Great Man I dream to be.

I believe "On The Road" is a must read!

I wish you a great week my friend.

Blessed Be

Ben said...

Browning was right: a man's reach really must exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for? Sometimes the most impressive thing about an accomplishment is not the accomplishment itself, but rather the strength of the belief it should be pursued in the first place.

Now, what would I do with an $88 million windfall?

1) I'd give about $40 million back to the government in taxes.

2) Pay off the mortgage, a few other debts...the usual stuff.

3) Relocate to where locks aren't quite so important.

Thought provoking stuff, DB...


Ken Riches said...

If we could envision the next great invention, we would be the next genious. In hindsight, they are brilliant :o)

Beth said...

How often do we see an ingenious new invention--so simple, yet so brilliant--and think, "Why didn't I think of that?!"

Beth said...

I forgot to answer your question about suddenly receiving $88 million. First, I'd pay off our mortgage. Next, I'd travel to Egypt. No third one at the moment. The remainder would go to charities and investments.