Friday, February 5, 2010

Speak Up

Silence too can speak out.

Lech Walesa

(This is not a contest.)

Given the resources and opportunity, what one thing do you want to do in 2010 that you've never done before.

You have all Winter to answer. Answers will be posted on the first day of Spring.
Respond to: please.
16 responses so far.

DB - The Vagabond


Sue said...

Are you ready for yet another storm? Batten down the hatches, hope you have your milk, bread, eggs and what ever else sustains you during the deluge. And I hope your heating issues have been resolved. Im south of you and I think we both need to bop Punxsutawney Phil on the nose for predicting a long winter. Hang in there. Sue

Judith Ellis said...

Ah, I absolutely love that quote. Thanks!

krissy knox said...

Thanks for the WINTER QUESTION. It has really helped me focus on my goals. I'm glad a lot of people are participating. :)

krissy knox :)
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