May 23, 2013
Vagabond Journey no. 2,000
You have created love in my soul and it has grown
to be a mountain.
(John Newbrough)
Hello Everyone
I received some very good suggestions about
what to do with my 2,000th Vagabond Journey. Some of those thoughts tended to
looking at my life with an analytical eye. So I decided to dip into the recent
past to see what I had written 4 years ago and trace the changes and
improvements, if any, in my basic views and writing ability. So here, unedited,
is my blog for May 23, 2009 complete with some excellent comments, two from
people who still comment and one from someone I never hear from any more. After
it I will make my own comments
Veritable Values
Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.
People often waste a lot of time criticizing other people for this and that, finding fault and down grading what they do. Why is that? There usually is some low grade reason for it, such as making comparisons, which Shakespeare says are "odorous" or simple prejudice. Other times the reasons are more sinister such as envy, jealousy or hatred.
I used to be a critical, fault finding fellow. I was brought up that way. But, thank heaven, I learned the pointlessness of it. I also learned the detriment to myself of not appreciating what others do, no matter what it is. I learned to enjoy what I see others do and to be grateful. As an actor, I can enjoy great acting when I see it without feeling jealous. Just as I can enjoy a great musician or a great ball player. It seems strange but I can also feel a sense of participation in what they do.
But then it's not strange. Even though the work of some artists is so magical that it seems they came to earth from another planet or as a result of a meteor shower, the fact is they are human beings and thus are doing what a human being is capable of. Those who excel at something are the leaders, teachers and way showers. I may not take the path of the ball player or opera singer but I can see what I am capable of if I did. It is in me because it is human.
As my friend Barry Pearl wrote "One's appreciation, admiration for another's abilities, means that there is a place inside the admirer that has the same ability."
Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.
People often waste a lot of time criticizing other people for this and that, finding fault and down grading what they do. Why is that? There usually is some low grade reason for it, such as making comparisons, which Shakespeare says are "odorous" or simple prejudice. Other times the reasons are more sinister such as envy, jealousy or hatred.
I used to be a critical, fault finding fellow. I was brought up that way. But, thank heaven, I learned the pointlessness of it. I also learned the detriment to myself of not appreciating what others do, no matter what it is. I learned to enjoy what I see others do and to be grateful. As an actor, I can enjoy great acting when I see it without feeling jealous. Just as I can enjoy a great musician or a great ball player. It seems strange but I can also feel a sense of participation in what they do.
But then it's not strange. Even though the work of some artists is so magical that it seems they came to earth from another planet or as a result of a meteor shower, the fact is they are human beings and thus are doing what a human being is capable of. Those who excel at something are the leaders, teachers and way showers. I may not take the path of the ball player or opera singer but I can see what I am capable of if I did. It is in me because it is human.
As my friend Barry Pearl wrote "One's appreciation, admiration for another's abilities, means that there is a place inside the admirer that has the same ability."
Those who do things that we admire show us that we have the capability to be admired, and those who excel at what they do show us what excellence is and that we are also capable of it, because we, like they, are human.
DB Vagabond Journeys
Blow some bubbles of joy today.
Posted by
Cathysaid...It's close to impossible NOT to entertain the human
desire to be critical. And ppl learn from that too - if no one expressed their
critique for what I say and do I'd have no feedback hence no way to calculate if
I'm offending someone, being sympathetic, or just wasting time. Your ability to
have a critical eye is, to my mind, a talent. May 23, 2009 at 1:21 AM

Arlene (AJ)said...I've always found criticizing anyone only ends
friendships without the one realizing that doing this is hurtful to not only
them but, you also. I find accepting someone for who they are is the best route
to go, I don't have to agree with their stance or thoughts, etc. but I'll listen
with respect. Keeps the friendship and door open to my friends and loved ones,
to enjoy another day with them.
And so what has become of those four
years? I've done a lot of reading and writing since then, many blogs, some
stories. I've been published in a local paper. I've also made some interesting
paintings, exhibited them and sold a few.
I've lost three friends, one is quoted
above, because in spite of the well intentioned but miscalculated urges of two
of them I refused to take the path in life they had decided for me. The third
lost friend betrayed my friendship and broke my heart.
I had to go from a cane to crutches in
order to walk, but by determination have overcome the crutches. I moved from
one apartment to another, from despair to hope.
I haven't been on the stage for 12 years,
but I look forward to some day, perhaps, going back to it. I accumulated some
staggering debts which are being taken care of. I will e solvent by October.
Then I can focus on repairing myself and maybe even returning to New York City,
my true home.
I still agree with everything I wrote above
in '09, and maybe I've added some lightness and humor to my thoughts, and more
love I still look for the summit of that mountain and am ready for the next
1,000 journeys.
Dana Bate
Vagabond Journeys
Never Give Up
1 comment:
When I was a child I was mercilessly and relentlessly criticized by my father. My hyper-sensitivity has been a lifelong result of this.
Perhaps something good came from this, however, because I've never had the desire to criticize others. I know how painful it can be when you're on the receiving end. I prefer to learn from what others do and appreciate their accomplishments.
I purposefully didn't give you any suggestions for your 2,000th Vagabond Journey because I had no doubt that you'd come up with something good without my help!
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