Friday, January 23, 2009

Kindly Kindling 1/23/09

The difficulty lies not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.

John Maynard Keynes

Hi. Come on, give me a smile.

I like rain. When it rains most people run inside and hide. But I like the rain, especially in the summertime, not just because it cools everything off, but because it cleans the air. It's like Mother Nature giving one of her children a bath. After the rain everything looks so clear and clean. It creates a fresh look at the world.

Many people also don't like the bathing that makes them take a fresh look at themselves, their lives and the world around them. A fresh look implies the possible necessity of changing things. People refrain from taking up and considering new ideas or seeing old ones in a brighter light.

Why adopt some new idea or some new way of doing things if it hasn't been tried before? Because if we don't, it will never be tried. Why hold on to old ideas and old ways of doing things even though they have proven to be ineffective and incorrect? Because they are familiar. That kind of thinking is like the serpent swallowing its own tail, slowly poisoning itself to death. The focus is in the wrong direction.

We always have a chance to bag up all the trash and take it to the dump. It's not a new beginning, it's a new look, without all the clutter, at the same things that hove been going on ever since there were humans walking the earth.

I know there are people who disagree with me, even in this email/journal land, people who will say the rain only brings mud, but I say let the rain come, let the bathing begin and let's have a fresh look at this strange, unpredictable, mysterious thing known as the world we live in.

DB Vagabond Journeys

Check out WINTER QUIZ and Friday Puzzle below.

Tell someone you like that you like them today.


Rose said...

I agree with you, I enjoy the rain for all the same reasons. I just prefer to be watching the rain from indoors instead of walking in it.

Yes, I too am getting rid of out a closet and I will be walking to the dumpster soon.

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

I like being inside listening to the rain almost as much as I like being out, with it beating down on me softly. I ruined a Jil Sander suit in a rainstorm years ago; it was worth it.~Mary

Big Mark 243 said...

Another entry that I like. It is a 'risk/reward' question that is always a benefit to me regardless of the outcome ... provided it doesn't hurt or injure me!

Alice said...

Hi DB:) Well, I certainly agree with you. Sometimes it is hard to let go of ideas and beliefs and let the new ones shine in. Maybe that's why I love watching the Science Channel :)........

Trees said...

I love your thinking DB, rain while it can wreak havoc it is so necessary for our farmlands, and to help make the plants and trees grow to fill us with beauty, and taking a chance and reaching out to new horizons is what makes us all grow, like the rain does for our plants and flowers and trees. Without reaching out for new things we do not grow. I am cleaning out some things now from my place, I tend to be a pack rat,lol.

betty said...

I enjoy a rainy day and I enjoy the challenges it brings; I'm thankful the Lord sends the rain to us, in all forms in the different challenges he allows us to do, so that we grow to what he wants us to be :)


Coy said...

And when it seems the storm will never let up, some learn to dance in the rain.
*** Coy ***

Sage Ravenwood said...

I miss being able to hear the rain, I used to have one of those nature Cds with thunderstorms to fall asleep by. However there is something to be said for the gentle rain falling, pattering against the window. The smell of fresh Earth afterwards.

I think we all need to refresh our spirits from time to time. (Hugs)Indigo

Arlene (AJ) said...

s always you have a wonderful, thought thinking read DB. Now I know why I so enjoy reading you and conversing, I love the rain. Have a good day.

Beth said...

I enjoy a nice rain in the summertime, especially when I've planted a garden. I know that my thirsty little plants are just drinking it up and smiling!

Ken Riches said...

Love the rain on the roof, and then looking out and seeing it sparkle on the grass as the sun is reflected.

Cathy said...

Mud is great to splash in too and w/o it our ancestors would've been homeless, yes? As to holding onto useless things it's a personal perspective I'd say, as to when to let go. When I'm 90 I know I'll hold onto broken things for the comfort they bring, things I'm staring at right now. But if they're hurtful I may not be sound enuf of mind to know how to let go. Thankfully we have family, most of us, to lend a hand. Humans are socialized beyond what's best for us I'd say, and it amazes me we're still here to make these predictions about ourselves - our favorite topic.

How I See It said...

When there is a gentle rain, peace fills the air.

Michelle said...

Oh, I LOVE the rain, DB! And yes, summer rain is unlike any other... Especially during a thunderstorm. And if it's early in the morning, even better. I love to awaken to the sound of rain upon my window.


salemslot9 said...

I like you, DB