Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Vagabondism 79

Vagabondism #79 "When you finally lose a bad habit or two you begin to see how many more bad habits you have."

1 comment:

Vagabonde said...

I came to visit your blog because of your name. I like your Vagabondism No. 71 – I have been reading many of them. As a coincidence I just finished a book I picked up in Paris, it is called “Paris Insolite” by Jean-Paul Clébert. He wrote it in 1952 and talks about vagabonding in Paris at that time – a very different Paris than now. It is like a stream of consciousness book – he sleeps in the back of alleys, under bridges, and gets a room once in a while so he can write. I believe he is still living, but no longer a vagabond (in his 80s.) I use the word vagabonde (feminine form) more as a symbol.