Monday, December 22, 2008

Lively Language 12/22/08

We don't know all the answers. If we knew all the answers we'd be bored, wouldn't we?

Jack LaLanne

On my first day at college the president and head master at the school gave a speech to the freshman. I don't remember much of what he said, but one statement has stuck with me all my life, "Curiosity, and in particular, intellectual curiosity is the basis of all learning."

Over the years I've thought about the undeniable truth of that remark. Taking that truth to heart and mind, living with it every day, applying it and practicing it equals at least four years of college.

In my career I met some intelligent actors and directors who were not interested in any ideas that were outside their realm of occupation. I often felt like a stranger in their midst. Because of that teacher's true remark and it's permanent place in my thinking, I was always poking into things that surrounded the play I was working on, thus giving myself an education on the side. I would read up on the history or society of the characters, about the playwright and anything else I thought about, because I was curious.

I knew a violinist, a concert musician, who would talk about subjects like linguistics. He played music, he didn't talk about it much. But philosophy fascinated him, On the other hand I had very interesting discussions about music from a fellow who taught Greek and Latin.

Then I had the best lesson in curiosity when I met and got to know a real philosopher who looked intensely into everything he came across. Whatever there was around him to know he wanted to know. He was a calm, friendly, intellectual fellow with an imagination and the curiosity to match it. He could talk intelligently on almost any topic. He had a lot of information and very few opinions. He taught me that I could learn anything I wanted to if I was really curios about knowing it.

It seems like a simple rule of life, but sometimes the simple ones are the hardest to learn.

DB - The Vagabond

"If Winter comes can Spring be far behind?"
Well, if you live in the northern climate as I do the answer is: Yes!


betty said...

totally agree with your "simple ones are the hardest to learn" statement DB; I've found that to be true in my life for sure


Beth said...

Oh, I love the quote about intellectual curiosity. That is so true, and life is never boring! Whenever Ken and I go somewhere, we try to learn a little about the history of the place. It makes the trip all the more enjoyable.

Great entry!
Hugs, Beth

Breezy said...

Yep so true.. if you get curious enough you will learn about it. I get curious about many things, but then lose interest after awhile. Maybe because I am the only one in my surroundings that has that interest.. if you find others that share the interest it is more fun to pursue it. Some things just aren't exciting doing alone, you need someone to share it with. Others I am fine with learning about it alone. Just depends on the subject or mood I am in.