Saturday, December 6, 2008

Whimsical Weighting 12/06/08

The reader's own life "outside" the story, changes the story.

David Wallace

Now that I'm writing stories I can see the truth of this statement, but only because my stories are serialized. I can read from emails and comments how readers are variously affected by the tale as it unfolds. I can sense one person's reaction to a certain character as compared with someone else's reaction to the same character. I can read how people are taking sides on certain issues as they arise. In fact, I can even appreciate and incorporate suggestions as to how the story should progress. I'll bet any serial writer has experienced the same energy from his readers.

The title of my main journal is Vagabond Journeys. One reason is that I have always thought of life as a journey, at least my life is. Whether it was hitchhiking across the country, following trails up and down the mountains of the Northeast, going from one theatre to another, walking along the sidewalks of New York City as if I was treading on the ledges of the universe or even going from one room to another, it has always been a journey to me.

This is the way I write. I have a beginning and I have a destination. I know how the story is going to end. Getting from the beginning to the end is the journey. That's where the creative work is done. Characters are introduced along the way as they are needed, some stay, some don't. Some are mentioned before they appear. But in every case readers will let me know how important they think those characters are.

The long story I'm writing now, Brian and Christine, is not about a plane crash, a small town in Utah, a major motion picture, an orphanage or the terrors that are coming. It's about a very unlikely relationship between two people. The last character to appear in this story has already been mentioned. I always appreciate the comments I get because I want the readers to be involved with the lives of all the characters, and to go along with me on this journey, and perhaps even point out some sign posts along the way.

My thanks to you.



Linda's World said...

I still have to take the time and get caught up on the story. I am so behind....Linda in WA

Linda's World said...

P.s. I just looked at your Flag Neo Counter~my word, look at the number of countries that are checking in. Wouldn't it be nice if they all left comments?

Big Mark 243 said...

Interesting take on your writing ... on writing in general.

Joyce said...

I'm not caught up yet and have been lacking in comments about the story. I will try to do better because I do love your Brian stories.
Hugs, Joyce

Beth said...

We all wouldn't keep reading if we weren't entertained, D. Isn't that the first rule? It's all about the entertainment!


Breezy said...

I am not reading your stories at the present time since I can barely keep up with the few blogs I read, but a few years back I used to read a friends serial story and gave him suggestions on how I would like to see the story go, or help him develop the character the way I perceive him. It was a lot of work, but very exciting to see the story unfold and develop.