Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Inspired Identity 3/18/09

The cool wind blew in my face and all at once I felt as if I had shed dullness from myself.

Burl Ives
"Each person has one grand life story to be learned, and once learned, must be told." DB - The Vagabond

I think everyone's life is worth at least one book, maybe more. But a book may not be the best or most appropriate way to tell you're story. It may be that you need to tell it in a journal or with songs, poems, pictures or some other art form. It could be told on a sports field or in a business, or an enterprise, maybe in a classroom, a laboratory. or your home.

I thought my life story was being written on the stage until my life turned a corner and disabled me to do any more acting. That forced me to go back to the grid, the ground plan, the blueprint, recollect myself and have another look. It was a cool wind in my face that made me stop and reconsider. It isn't a simple thing to be an actor, heaven knows, but maybe there was more to my identity that I had been overlooking.

It's not easy to understand ourselves. It takes courage, patience, persistence and fact facing. But, thankfully, it also involves being aware of our real values and allowing them to become present in our lives. Even the simplest, homiest life has treasure in it without which the world would be lacking something. The gradual, unchallenged life has courage in it which no one knows about. The famous thinkers of history don't have a monopoly on wisdom. Movie stars don't own all the beauty.

Every person has a vision of existence unlike any other. That's something to be cherished.

In the quiet, mundane moments of life, or in the downward depressed moments when we think that we don't amount to anything, that we aren't worth much and that we really don't care that much about ourselves any way, everything valuable and interesting about us is taking a nap. When it wakes up and starts to function, nothing changes. We are still the same person, the same boring, useless person we thought we were a few minutes ago. But the bubbles start ascending in the glass, the sparklers are lit and the joyful genie is staring back at us in the mirror.

Get to know yourself. Let the cool wind of spring slap you in the face and tell you that underneath that cotton housecoat and polyester jumpsuit you are a fascinating person.

DB (King of the Vagabonds)
Try on a good laugh today and see if it fits.


Gerry said...

This entry actually cheered me up and made me laugh. I am beginning to have to read Vagabond Journeys as soon as it shows a new one. It's better for me than vitamins. For if we have spent our lives in obscurity it is easy sometimes to feel you have become invisible, you just aren't registering anywhere, or atleast not like some people. I do think people keep other people alive, and those with good insight into the lives of the ordinary can actually prolong their lives with a dose of recognition, which is why I love shows that bring people out of obscurity thus giving the idea to all that the world needs them too!

Judith Ellis said...

"Get to know yourself. Let the cool wind of spring slap you in the face and tell you that underneath that cotton housecoat and polyester jumpsuit you are a fascinating person."

Fine line. Great post. Thank you.

Wes said...


I want thank you for becoming a follower of LWIIS, and than you for your entry.

I like how you said "everyone's life is worth at least one book, maybe more.

Your entry was very true to my heart.


Char said...

Great post! It's like sitting down to a chat with Mark Twain. Thanks again.

Joyce said...

There's not much doubt that my life deserves a book or maybe two. Maybe not so much personally as the sights and people I've seen these past 63 years. Wish I had kept journals.
Hugs, Joyce

Trees said...

Your journal is always refreshing to me like a cool breeze and you are always very present in your journal which we here in blog land are so blessed to be able to read.

Beth said...

No matter what you do, it's important to know what defines your essence. No one is defined by their job alone...there is so much more to each person, and that can and should follow you no matter where you go.

Hugs, Beth

Ken Riches said...

Certainly a book would not be the right forum for sharing my life, I will have to contemplate what forum would be appropriate. Thanks for making me think.