Friday, March 19, 2010

My Proud Painting

Well I went to the opening of the Artists of Bristol exhibit and I am pleased to say I have nothing to be ashamed of. Both of my pieces are prominently displayed and nicely commented on, and there is a lot of excellent work there. It's a large exhibit and I'm glad to be a part of it.



Nina said...

Congratulations!! You'll have to try to photograph them and share them with us! Wish I was there to admire. Love and Light, Nina P

Ken Riches said...

I am so glad you went.

Valerie said...

How wonderful! We should embrace all of our works. This reminds me of the time I did a painting in colors I didn't like on purpose. I ended up liking it. I was inspired by my mom who did a quilt in her least favorite color, which was an assignment by a quilt teacher. Everyone ended up loving their work. We do love our "children" that we create. Hugs to you... Val xox

Judith Ellis said...

Bravo, DB!

Trees said...

Congratulations DB, that is great you have your artwork displayed, I would love to see them some time. I have quite a few paintings but have never had the courage to display them I dont think they are good enough.

sarah said...

Well done lovely. Can we see them ?...)