Thursday, October 30, 2008

Magic Monsters 10/31/08

I have seen flowers come in stony places
And kind things done by men with ugly faces.

John Mansfield

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So it's Halloween is it? All Hallows' Even. 'Tis the season to be scary. This is the night when children and adults become ghosts, ghouls, witches, owls, crows, vultures, pumpkin men, black cats, spiders, goblins, zombies, mummies, skeletons, demons, devils, fairies, pirates, vampires, frankensteins, wizards, various movie stars and political figures. The child-monsters to collect bags of goodies of dubious benefit to their well being, often accompanied by adult-monsters who may go off later to masquerade parties where who knows what dubious liaisons are formed.

Although at home we wrapped up candy and oranges to give out, I never went trick 'r treating. My mother wouldn't let me. There was one exception when I went out as a gangster trying to scare people with a water pistol. No one was scared.

In this eastern Pennsylvania town Halloween is a big deal. And now that the Phillies have won, it's liable to be more rambunctious than ever.

But remember, the ugly little monster that shows up at your door this "een" may grow up to be a great scientist, or artist, or educator, or writer, someone who does kind things for the world. So treat 'em with treats.

Vagabond Journeys


Dannelle said...

Boo, betcha I scared you! I remember the good ol days of trick or treating. We were all safe and ran from doorbell to doorbell- even in San Francisco! My small town has a carnival and all the kids are in the middle of a closed off street with safe collected treats. Sad times, happy times! DSK

Alice said...

We don't get the trick/treaters out here in this community and I never even considered or even thought about going trick/treating when I was growing up. I just thought it was a time to color pumpkins, etc. at school and decorate around our homeroom class :).......

Dawn said...

Good advice! Thanks for the comment back and I fixed my profile so my email is there! Duh! I knew you looked familiar! Have a wonderful day! We do a big deal here, too, for Halloween!

be well...

Beth said...

I enjoyed trick or treating when I was a kid, but things were certainly much safer then! We're far enough out in the country that we don't get them here.

Sounds like it will a good night for you to stay inside!

Hugs, Beth

Joyce said...

I can't wait to see all the kids. I really need that kind of joy tonight. Happy Halloween DB.
Hugs, Joyce

Rose~* said...

I have fond memories of Halloween, and I still enjoy the little ones that come trick or treating to my door. Put my email on my profile for you, too. (((HUGS))